Home Inspections
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Home Inspection

The Most Advanced Home Inspection Available!
An All Safe Inspections expert home inspection performed by a licensed Professional Engineer helps you make a well-informed decision and avoid costly future surprises.
- Comprehensive Residential Inspections
- Moisture and Insurance Investigations
- Air Quality, Mold and Radon Testing
What you don’t know can hurt you!
A home inspection is a lot like getting a complete medical check-up. We inspect the attic, heating/cooling systems, plumbing systems, electrical systems, structure and much more. And just like your physician, we may suggest that you get help from a specialist if we find symptoms of a problem.
There’s nothing quite like the peace of mind of knowing the home you bought is structurally safe and the mechanical systems are sound. After all, your family’s safety and happiness are priceless.

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Happy Clients
All Safe Inspections clients receive a written report in an “easy to read” format that provides the information needed to make informed decisions. Our goal is for clients to be so happy with our service that they feel obligated to tell others!
I cannot tell you how pleased I was with the results of the house inspection you performed. You exceeded my expectations with the professionalism used in your inspection and the report you produced. The turnaround was excellent as I was able to get a confidential report off the internet the very next day. Your report was also very thorough and easy to understand. Let me not forget to mention that you were readily available in answering your phone a week later when I called with some questions I had. Your answers to those questions were excellent and easy for me to understand. Your fee was minor and the results of your inspection have brought me piece of mind and made my life easier in many ways. I was able to discuss with the Realtor the deficiencies you noted, some that I did not see during the showing of the house and property. There were items you addressed that I never thought about checking. You even furnished pictures of the items in question in your report again nothing but absolute professionalism. I have purchased the house and some of the items you cited were taken care of by the current owners before closing only because of your thoroughness. You undoubtedly saved me unneeded additional expenses I would have seen in the near distance future. Please feel free to use this testimony it was money that was well spent and your services exceeded your charge by far.
“The story begins with Gina noticing one of the wood planks in our dining room had rotted through. The house was 14 years old, built on a slab, and this was the first real sign of a problem with the floors. We found a couple of other bad places and figured perhaps the previous owners had put plants in all these spots and the water from those plants had caused the damage. We called a flooring dealer termites he said. We called a bug contractor no termites, he said, but water damage. But there was no sign of water seepage from outside and the damaged spots were in the middle of the room. No signs from the ceiling no stains, no drips. Water coming up from the seam between slab sections might have been the cause, but the house had no such seam. A broken slab offered a friend an expensive proposition said our contractor. Over the next few months the damaged expanded, and the boards were, indeed, wet. We were at a loss we had water damage that was gradually increasing in scope, but no sign of water entry. We called our insurance company and they suggested we find somebody who had an infrared camera. They said it would be expensive, but infrared equipment might locate water coming in because the water would be cooler than the surrounding area. After some searching, we found All Safe Inspections. They came over the day after we called them and hooked things up. They found the problem in 20 minutes a leak around the chimney, allowing water to come into the house, well inside the walls, and seep below the wood floors. They spent the next hour with hoses up on the roof to pinpoint the areas to be fixed. They photographed the exact areas for the contractors, and wrote us a detailed report, with pictures. The problem is now fixed. It would never have even been found without ASI. The cost was reasonable, the work was spot-on, and the report was the key to our contractors being able to resolve the problem once and for all. The report was also instrumental in allowing our insurance company to help us with the replacement costs of the wood floors. We hold Doug Thornton of All Safe Inspections in very high regard and fully recommend his work.”
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(334) 558-1719

Our goal
for 25+ years
Our goal is to help you make well-informed decisions and avoid costly future surprises.
All inspections are performed by a professional home inspector who will provide a customized written report in an easy-to-read format.